Saturday, May 9, 2009

True Side Of Games Exposed

T's have recently shown how gory games that arn't are actually are. In a sequential release of images, which can be viewed at, they depict all of those lovable characters that you love, their true side. those lovable eyes and cute chapes, are all just a ruse to eat your brains.

Beware of them. This is a public service announcement, reminding you to think about the goomba's and those pacman ghosts before eating them and bouncing on their heads.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cooking Mama MMO Announced

Cooking mama's publisher has recently announced the new game, Cooking Mama 2, Dinner with Friends MMO. Much details of the game has yet been released except, that players will have alot of fun stirring pots with other people from around the world, cutting vegetables together, collecting soup and ingredients and other cooking quests together. Only on the DS.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Duke Nukem Forever Seeking Government Bailout

Duke Nukem Forever, or DNF, has been the longest standing game that has been in production. The game was intended to be released this year, however, funds for it's development have dried up.

The developer, 3D Realms, have requested monetory aid from president barrack obama to continue the legacy of Duke Nukem Forever. However Congress has objected the bail out, and would like Duke Nukem Forever to continue being the longest standing game in production.

The game uses, the latest ground breaking graphic such as the following:They feel that giving money to this game so that it could be finished earlier would be an injustice to the gamers and the gaming industry.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scientists found source of Swine Flu

Scientists from the university of American studies have finally found the actual source of the virus, and all points to Disney's Piglet. Nancy Marr, spokeswomen of Pigglet have said that there is no evidence for this, and it is all just finger pointing brought about the sudden outbreak. It is still unknown until the World Health Organisation confirms the outbreak.

*In all seriousness, our hearts goes out to families that have lost loved ones in the pandemic.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

PSP Car to go on Sale

The car, in the shape of a PSP, is now available for purchase. The car, said to contain the latest in PlayStation Portable technology will appear in showrooms across the world today.

The car will feature, larger windows, a sixaxis steering wheel, dual shock seats and PSP rear mirrors. it also has analog shift stick for that change of gear feel. The car uses revolutionary technology to allow you to buy upgrades for your car over the PlayStation Store.

The car also features UMD music player and tv out in the car. Annoyingly the car lacks the standard car charger option instead opting for the PSP charger.

Prices are said to start at a hefty USD$500,000

Zombies part of history

Treyarch has announced the release of a new DLC pack for Call Of Duty 5 in which there are now nazi zombies. The call of duty series has been widely known to be historically accurate. This new development has finally covered a base not seen in the series before, Nazi Zombies.

Many soldiers fighting in world war II would have known about the zombies found in eastern germany and several other parts of the world. But this side story has been lacking in many many mildly historically accurate games. According to Zombie Community Club president, 'Mr. Arggghhhaaa uhhhhh', he claims argghhhhhaaa aaaaahhhhhuhhhhhh huuuuhhaaaaaaa aaeeeeggghhhhhhha'. Many Zombie rights activists, claims this is finally a win for the rights of zombies.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Interview with RPG star

Recently ZOMGOMGWTFBBQ conducted an interview with a major Role-playing game icon, that is Final Fantasy VII's main character, Cloud Strife. Now, here is the interview where we had with the RPG legend about his life.

Z: Cloud, good to have you here.
C: Thank you for having me.

Z: I see you brought that heavy sword of yours.
C: is quite a big burden to bring it everywhere.

Z: do you feel about walking into another person's house and have them treat like family instead of booting you out?
C: Well, people tend to be friendlier where I come from.

Z: What is the science behind inns?
C: When our friends get knocked out all they need is a good rest.

Z: Why swords? Especially with enemies with guns everywhere.
C: Swords are more reliable, they don't jam. Also, guns need to be reloaded, leaving you vulerable and they are expensive where I come from.

Z: How do you keep such a hair style?
C: I have no just stays like this every morning.

Z: Thank you Cloud once again, and good luck with the new Blu-ray movie Advent Children Complete and we wish you well
C: Thank you very much.